[오늘의 음악] Parcels - Be my self

책방 무사
조회수 154

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오늘은 소포들 음악중에서 가장 뽀짝한 느낌의 곡을 나누어보겠어요.

오늘도 라이브 버전입니다. (사실 저는 어떤 노래든 라이브 버전들을 굉장히 애정합니다.)

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parcels _ be my self

I know that I can't be a few

I'll be myself be myself

I'm told to be over the moon

I can teach myself teach myself

But I'm old

I can feel that it's true

I believe myself believe myself

And I know it'll be over soon

I can see myself see myself

See myself see myself see myself

See myself see myself see myself

I'm trapped

but I'm trapped in the boot

I can't free myself free myself

And I'll talk

but you know there's no use

I can hear myself hear myself

The road's blocked

I can tell that we've stopped

I will lead myself

will lead myself

And I know if I'm moving or not

I will be myself be myself

Be myself be myself be myself

Be myself be myself be myself

Be myself be myself be myself

Be myself be myself be myself

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